This item has been superceded by which offers more features and more outputs.
18 Channel DC dmx controlled dimmer for 2 wire, 2 channel LED strings
2 x RJ45 DMX connectors wired to ESTA standard configuration
20-40V power input
2A maximum per output
Switchable test mode
Switchable mode to allow both channels of the 1 string to function as 1 dmx channel (9 channel mode)
Software programmable start address
(Easiest address setter for the DMX2-18 is da_start or da_tester)
A power supply , a USB-DMX dongle (or E1.31 to DMX bridge) and a computer (or Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black running FPP) is what is needed to control Christmas lights.
For testing I recommend using da_tester from
For more information on connecting and running Christmas lights visit and for the 1 step guide have a look at or browse
David Duffy of Audio Visual Devices has a page ( that has some information on the 2 wire, 2 channel led strings that this controller is used on. Lytworks lights from Bunnings as well as ones from Big W and other retail stores are mostly going this way.
2 wire, 2 channel led strings can be identified by the fact that there is a multifunction controller either as part of the power supply or inline with the wires from the power supply and from there out to the leds there are only 2 wires.